August 02, 2005

Westminster free speech protest

None of the blogs that I normally read seems to be highlighting the free speech protests in Parliment Square so I will. Good on you. It is the right to peacefully state your views (rather than blow people up) that makes this country great.
Up to 200 members of the Stop the War coalition, CND and other groups symbolically put gags over their mouths as part of the unauthorised protest, which the police had warned would now be illegal.

Article continues
After warning and photographing demonstrators, police moved in and arrested three men and two women.

The Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn, who had been breaking the new law by addressing the demonstration through a small microphone at the time, said: "This is absolutely absurd. Ordinary people have been arrested for taking part in a perfectly peaceful demonstration outside parliament during the recess.

"This demonstration was all about the right to express one's point of view. I suspect that this provocative action by the police on the first day of this new law may encourage other demonstrations."
This law was inacted to stop the brave lone protest of Brian Haw whoe's continous protest over the Iraq War has annoyed the Tyrant Blair (on the rare times that he graces Parliment with His presence) and his cronies. It failed, and Mr Haw is still there, but it did further errode the ancient freedoms of this country, so furthering the New Labour political project of turning the UK into a thoroughly modernised police state.


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